Select the respective column in the object dialog on the "Cell definition" tab. To select multiple cells, hold down the Ctrl key or you can draw a border around the cells with the mouse.
Property |
Description |
Value |
Description |
Value (only result cells) |
Formula for the value of the cell. This will be evaluated by the Crosstab.Cells functions. |
Formula |
Formula wizard |
Displayed Contents |
Text to be displayed in the cells. This can differ from the value specified in the "Value" property, e.g. if it is formatted. |
Formula |
Formula wizard |
Automatic Fill-Up (only Rows and Columns) |
Fills up non existing columns. |
0 1 |
No Value Range |
Start Value |
e.g. 1 for quarters or months |
Number |
Formula wizard |
End Value |
e.g. 4 for quarters or 12 for months |
Number |
Formula wizard |
Increment |
Value that every column's/row's value is increased by (e.g. 1 for quarters or months) |
Number |
Formula wizard |
Displayed Value |
Formula for the displayed value, 'Crosstab.Value(=' is filled up value (e.g. '"Q-"+Str$(Crosstab.Value(),0,0)' for quarters or 'Month$(Crosstab.Value())' for months). |
Formula |
Formula wizard |
Limit To (only Rows and Columns) |
Limits the number of entries on this level to the defined number (Top-N report in combination with sort order by result. |
0 Number Formula |
No Limit Entries Formula wizard |
Summarize Other Entries |
Create a row or column where the remaining values will be summarized. |
True False |
Yes No |
Label Others |
The text that is used for the 'Others' column (or row). |
Text |
Formula wizard |
Sort Order (only Rows and Columns) |
Sets sort order to be either ascending or descending. |
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Formula |
Ascending Descending Unsorted Result (Value) Ascending Result (Value) Descending Result (Displayed Content) Ascending Result (Displayed Content) Descending Formula wizard |
Index of Result Cell |
0=first, … |
Number |
Formula wizard |
Row Header |
Row description of the result cells (in the row title). |
Text |
Formula wizard |
Rotation |
Rotates the object anticlockwise. For example, you can rotate the column title by 90° with this function.
0 1 2 3 Formula |
0° 90° 180° 270° Formula wizard |
Link URL |
Link target (only effective for preview and PDF export). |
Link |
Link Formula wizard |
Alignment |
Decimal means that numbers are aligned by their decimal points. |
0 1 2 3 Formula |
Left Centered Right Decimal Formula wizard |
Decimal position |
Position of the decimal point (only valid with decimal alignment, negative means: from the right.) |
Number Formula |
Formula wizard |
Vert. alignment |
Vertical alignment of the contents. |
0 1 2 Formula |
Top Centered Bottom Formula wizard |
Appearance Condition (not bottom level column/row) |
True False Formula |
Yes No Formula wizard |
(only total column/row) |
Before Data |
Sets whether the summary is to be output before or after the data lines. |
True False Formula |
Yes No Formula wizard |
Blank Optimization |
Leading and double spaces are removed. |
True False Formula |
Yes No Formula wizard |
Expandable Region |
The sub-elements of the element are initially not visible in the preview, however they can be expanded interactively. Requirement: subordinated elements must be defined. |
True False Formula |
Yes No Formula wizard |
Maximum Height |
Defines the maximum heigth of the cell type. |
Number |
Formula wizard |
Maximum Width |
Sets the maximum width for a cell. If the text is wider, the line is wrapped. |
Number |
Formula wizard |
Minimum Height |
Sets the minimum height of the cell type. |
Number |
Formula wizard |
Minimum Width |
Sets the minimum width of the cell type. |
Number |
Formula wizard |