On the "Value axis" tab, you can make settings for calculating and presenting the value axis of a bar chart or line diagram.
Primary axis/secondary axis: These charts support a second value axis. The second axis is enabled on the "Diagram" tab. Use the drop-down box to switch to the properties for the respective axis.
Property |
Description |
Value |
Description |
Coordinate value |
Here you specify the formula for the coordinate value (total turnover, average turnover, number of sales etc.). |
Formula |
Formula wizard |
Axis scale |
Type of axis scaling. |
0 1 2 Formula |
None (linear) Logarithmic, base 10 (decimal) Logarithmic, base 2 (binary) Formula wizard |
Calculation Type |
Allows to display e.g. a moving average. Not available if the values of the series axis are determined by series. Then this property is available for each series in the "Series Definitions" dialog. |
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
Normal Cumulative Sum Cumulative Average Simple Moving Average Symmetrical Moving Average Difference to Previous Value Average Line Of Best Fit |
Number of values (only Calculation Type 3 and 4) |
Number of preceding or encircling values that will be used for the calculation. |
Number |
Formula wizard |
Maximum Value Automatic |
Do you want the value axis to continue until it reaches a certain maximum value or do you want to determine the end value automatically? You can limit the maximum height of the displayed area e.g. to cater for "anomalies”. If your values contain extremely high peaks, you can cap them by setting a maximum value and show the progression of the "small" values more clearly. If you keep the default value "No", the diagram will be adapted so that all values are displayed. |
True False Formula |
Yes No Formula wizard |
Threshold |
Maximum axis value |
Number |
Formula wizard |
Minimum Value Automatic (only Lines, Areas, Bubbles) |
Do you want the value axis to start at a certain minimum value or do you want to determine the start value automatically? You can limit the minimum height of the displayed area, e.g. to cater for "anomalies”. If you keep the default value "No", the diagram will be adapted so that all values are displayed. |
True False Formula |
Yes No Formula wizard |
Threshold |
Minimum axis value |
Number |
Formula wizard |
Label on object |
Specifies whether a text is to be output on the objects. |
0 1 Formula |
No Yes Formula wizard |
Content |
Label text on the object. |
Formula |
Formula wizard |
Bubble Design (only bubbles) |
Design of the bubbles. |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Formula |
Circle Filled Circle Filled circle with frame Light Incidence From Left Light Incidence From Above Light Incidence From Top Left Ball Glass Drop Glass Drop, Partially Trans. Picture-File |
Presentation |
Visual presentation. Pie, Areas, Bubbles: - Bar simple, clustered: 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 Bar Multi-Row: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9 Bar stacked: 1, 2, 8 Lines: 5, 6, 7 Radar: 5, 6, 7, 10 Treemap: 5, 10 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Formula |
Cylinder Bar Pyramid Ribbon Line Symbols Line+Symbols Octaeder Cone Area Formula wizard |
Width |
Bar/line width in percent |
Number |
Formula wizard |
Coordinate lines |
Specifies whether coordinate lines are to be drawn on the background. |
True False Formula |
Yes No Formula wizard |
Zebra Mode |
Specifies whether the background is to be output in a zebra pattern. |
Transparent Pattern/block color Horiz. Gradient Vert. Gradient Horiz. 2-part gradient Vert. 2-part gradient Partly transparent |
Axis label |
Defines the text for the axis label. |
Formula |
Formula wizard |
Rotation |
Rotation of the axis label in degrees. |
Number |
Formula wizard |
Coordinate label |
Defines the text for the coordinate label or the legend. |
Formula |
Formula wizard |
Rotation |
Rotation of coordinate label in degrees. |
Number |
Formula wizard |
Fixed font size |
The font size is to be fixed (otherwise it will become smaller as necessary in order to prevent overlapping). |
True False Formula |
Yes No Formula wizard |
Coordinate label "Others" |
Defines the text for the coordinate label on the bar for the data grouped as "others". |
Formula |
Formula wizard |
Coordinate tick distance |
Calculation of the distance between two coordinate ticks. |
True False Formula |
Automatic Manual Formula wizard |
Legends |
Placement of the legend for this axis. |
None At axis |
Marker Color |
Color of the coordinate marker lines (tickmarks). |
Color |
Number of ticks |
The number of subdivisions separated by tick marks between the main coordinate markings. |
Number |
Formula wizard |
Group for fixed colors |
Defines the group within the fixed colors. |
Number |
Formula wizard |