NotesToPaper Print is configured via the NTP.INI file. This file is looked for by NotesToPaper in the following sequence:


1.Current directory (normally Notes system directory)
2.Windows system directory


The following settings can be made in the configuration file:










A directory to create temp files. It is recommended to use the Windows temp directory. This may however be any valid directory.



Note: If no directory is specified, the directory specified in the environment variable TEMP is used.





The directory used to save the report definition files. This directory can be on the local hard drive, just as on a file server (provided it can be accessed by the client). All reports saved as files in directories will be taken from here. Different Functions (NTPReportList, NTPInit etc.) of NotesToPaper require these settings.



Tip: The parameter NTPReport can be set via the function NTPSetReportPath at run time. There is thus no requirement to work with the NTP.INI file.





The language NotesToPaper is set to momentarily. The language can be changed by the user at run time. At the moment, the following settings are allowable:


7 = German

9 = English


Should this setting not be available, NotesToPaper will use the operating system language settings, meaning if the operating system is German, NotesToPaper is set to German and for any other language (that is not supported or where a language pack is unavailable) to English.



Note: The numbers for the languages are equal to those used as the Windows country codes!