Automated creation and removal


Creating the view


In the selection window shown below, which allows the administration of directories ("add directory") and databases ("add database"), you see a database that is not yet prepared for the use with NotesToPaper. You can identify such a database via the uncolored database icon (A) and the remark shown in the status bar (A). In order to prepare this database for use with NotesToPaper, select the database and activate the context menu via right click. You will find an option "prepare database" (B). This option adds the required view to your Notes database.





Removal of the view


In order to remove the design element at any given time, select the database. If the database contains the design element (and the database could be opened without problems), then you will see a colored database icon and the status line reads "no error" (A). Right click the appropriate database and select "clear database" in the context menu. The NotesToPaper "preparation" is then removed from the database (B).

