

NTPAddAttachment ( <ReportHandle>, <ServerName>, <DatabaseName>, <UNID>, <ItemName>, <AttachmentName> ) -> <ErrorCode>




This function enables you to convert attachments of a Notes document and to attach them to a report. Which attachments (file name) and from which fields of the document they are to be passed, you define via the parameters <ItemName> and <AttachmentName> .




During the conversion, each supported file attachment is loaded in a separate NotesToPaper report.

There are three ways to define this report for file attachments:


Using the default report layouts (usable directly without adjustments)

Loading report definition from a database

Loading report definition from a file system


For that the following options are used:


The transfer is done via the function NTPSetOptionString and described in the chapter NTPSetOptionString(Attachments).


A short explanation you should note when creating your own report template:


Report settings:

Create a report layout with type "label" and an optional name.

Then create a field (Field name="ATTACHMENT_FILENAME" with field type=Text).


Layout settings:

Create a PDF object.


Please note: The property "Data source->Formula = ATTACHMENT_FILENAME"



Declaration for LotusScript

Declare Function NTPAddAttachment Lib LibName ( ByVal ReportID As Long,_

ByVal ServerName As Unicode String, ByVal DatabaseName As Unicode String,_

ByVal UNID As Unicode String, ByVal ItemName As Unicode String,_

ByVal AttachmentName As Unicode String ) As Long





<ReportHandle> (LONG)

Report handle, returned by calling NTPInit or NTPInitFromDatabase.



This is the server name, where the database may be found, that contains the rich text field with the attachment. If this is a local database (from the perspective of the client or the server), then please enter "" as the value.


<DatabaseName> (UNICODE STRING)

This is the database name, that contains the rich text field with the attachment. Please keep in mind that under certain circumstances this name must also include a path if the database is found in a subdirectory of the Notes data directory. The path may however not be an absolute path ("C:\Notes\Data\Test.nsf") but always only be described as a path relative to the data directory of the client or the server ("NotesToPaper\Test.nsf").



This is the "Universal Document ID" of the rich text field.



This is the name of the rich text field with the attachment that is to be added to the PDF file. If all attachments of a document are to be converted, no matter which field the attachment is saved in, then pass "" here.


<AttachmentName> (UNICODE STRING)

If you wish to pass a certain attachment from the document, then place the attachments name here (e.g. "Bullshark.jpg"). If you pass "" as a value, then all attachments are used that can be found in the field <ItemName>. If you want to pass more than one attachment, separate the different names with a semicolon (e.g. "Bullshark.jpg;shark.jpg").



Return value


<ErrorCode> (LONG)

Number of the error encountered (0 = no error)