NTPSetOption (XPS Export)


Below is a description of all options supported by the XPS Export module. These options can be set by the application program with the NTPSetOption function.


Important: The XPS Export format is available as soon as the .NET Framework 3.0 has been installed on the computer. The Export module uses the thereby installed Microsoft XPS printer driver for the output.



Gives the file name for the XPS document to be generated. If blank, the file selection dialog is displayed.



Gives the path for the XPS document to be generated.



Says whether the export process should be executed with user interaction.

0 = Interactivity/dialogs allowed

1 = There is no file selection dialog (supposing Export.File is set) and no "Overwrite?" inquiry.

Default:  0



Specifies whether, following the export, the application linked to the file extension should automatically be started.

0 = No display of the result

1 = Executes a ShellExecute() on NTPOPTION_XPSEXP_FILE,  so  that  usually  Microsoft  Internet Explorer® or similar should be started

Default: 0