TXT export


The text export module may be used in one of two different modes (see NTPOPTION_TXTEXP_ONLYTABLEDATA). The data mode returns the data of a table object in a text fomat. Properties such as column borders and column seperation may be freely defined. Individual datasets are seperated by a line break. The result is a single text file which contains the data of all table objects. This can then be edited in external applications. Please note, that this mode exports only data in table objects, all layout information is ignored. This means layout based breaks are filtered from the exported text. This mode is available only for table projects.


As an alternative, it is possible to create a text file - provided the format supports this - that shows the formatting of the original project. Please note, that the font size should be selected in a way, that makes it possible to resolve the individual lines in the text export. Small fonts may lead to overwritten lines, meaning lines will be lost in the resulting file.