

NTPDesigner ( <ReportName>, <ServerName>, <DatabaseName>, <OptionString>, <OptionValue>, <ShowHideMessages> ) -> <ErrorCode>





This command calls the layout designer and allows the report to be edited. Additional parameters for the designer configuration may also be passed.



Declaration for Lotus Script


Declare Function NTPDesigner Lib "NTP.DLL" ( ByVal ReportName As String, ByVal ServerName As String, ByVal DatabaseName As String, ByVal OptionString As String, ByVal OptionValue As Long, ByVal ShowHideMessages As Long ) As Long





<ReportName> (STRING)

The name used here, is the name under which the report was created in NotesToPaper Setup.


<ServerName> (STRING)

Name of the server the database <DatabaseName> is located on. If an empty string is passed, the database is assumed to be local.


<DatabaseName> (STRING)

The name of the database from which the report is to be read and which is accessible through  <ServerName>.


<OptionString> (STRING)

Text parameter to configure the designer. Not used at present.


<OptionValue> (LONG)

Numeric parameter to configure the designer. Not used at present.


<ShowHideMessages> (LONG)

Mode for the output of error messages. Possible values:





Return value


<ErrorCode> (LONG)

Number of the error encountered (0 = no error)