
+49 661 25100-0 support & infohotline
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+49 661 25100-0 support & infohotline

Did you already know that...

Under this heading we would like to show you or explain a few things to you concerning NotesToPaper in the future that you might not already know about the product, yet. This list is to grow by and by and is going to present some "surprising" possibilities of NotesToPaper from time to time. So let us beginn at this point with the subject...

Did you already know that...

...NotesToPaper has a script wizard?
...NotesToPaper adjusts the print-out to the individual needs?
...NotesToPaper knows three different ways to embed graphical Lotus Notes content into a report? can easily create complex serial letters with NotesToPaper?
...reporting becomes more fun with the new layout regions?

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