

The demo database NTP.NSF is saved in the Notes Data directory during the installation. This database shows the various ways to use NotesToPaper. The enclosed examples are to demonstrate the abilities and show the functionality's of NotesToPaper and serve as examples for the user/developer while developing their own NotesToPaper applications. The script routines of the sample application are freely available and may be included in own applications and modified.


Note to the developer: All the important routines (necessary for integration) of NotesToPaper are in Lotus Script. The libraries are sorted in the various report categories.


The following documents present the databases and their special features. The following databases are purely for demonstration purposes only:


NTP.NSF (general Office application that shows a number of standard reports)

NTPLIB.NSF (collection of helpful routines, shows special functions)

NTPAttachments (demonstration for the conversion of file attachments)

NTPExport (demonstration for the export of reports)

NTPChart (demonstration that shows the use of charts)

NTPRT.NSF (shows the rich text options in reports)

NTPIMAGE.NSF (shows the handling of graphics as attachments and in rich text fields)

NTPDESIGNER.NSF (shows a NotesToPaper Designer integration in a Notes application)

NTPPDF.NSF (demonstration for the PDF export of reports)

NTPPRN.NSF (shows the options available to control printers)

NTPDYN.NSF (demonstration for the use of dynamic reports)

NTPSL.NSF (demonstration for the creation of serial letters)

NTPMULTITABLE (shows one way of using multiple table layouts in a report)

NTPSCRIPTWIZARD (shows a script integration by using the NotesToPaper script wizard)